Donna Morong Acting Studio
For The Serious Actor
Scene Study In Person starts FEBRUARY 21ST!

My strongest and most rapid period of growth in my acting career was at Donna’s summer workshop.
Harley Quinn Smith
Yoga Horsers, Clerks II

Taking class with Donna Morong was the real turning point in my professional career...
Sonny Valicenti
Mind Hunter

Photo by Laura Coover
I have been a Casting Director for over 30 years, both in New York Theater, on Broadway, off–Broadway and in Los Angeles as a studio executive in feature casting, free-lance casting director and producer. Prior to my casting career I trained as an actor with William Esper in Meisner Technique and as a Meisner teacher. I combine my experience as an actor, casting director and teacher to help actors launch and sustain their careers. My experience and training has helped me to identify all the choices that make a successful actor, as well as pinpointing the obstacles that are inhibiting your growth. I work to guide actors into artists, with respect for themselves and their craft, while giving them the tools they can use in real world situations, whether it be in the audition or on set.
The teachers who work with me are accomplished and respected within the entertainment industry, as well as nurturing to artists and respectful of the education process. I encourage my students to be part of our community that fosters creative projects that will feed them artistically, as well as further develop their craft.
My mission is to help actors achieve their dream of a sustained career in the entertainment industry. The classes I offer are geared to the serious actor who wants the skills to work on camera, whether it be in the audition room or soundstage. I bring together respected professionals, creating a community of storytellers-actors, directors, writers at different stages of their careers with the common aim of telling impactful stories through emotionally rich performances that serve the script, while utilizing the unique qualities of every actor. My greatest joy is when my students succeed.
- Donna Morong
Donna Morong Interview: Princess Diaries is 20 Years Old

We are currently accepting demo reels and self-taped auditions for admission to all classes. In order to initiate the audition process, please submit an application. You are welcome to audit a class in advance of applying, though arrangements must be made in advance.